
Catalog Description

This graduate-level course examines recent developments in operating systems. It also covers mobile platforms, virtualization, security, and selected topics.


  • Name: Heng Yin
  • Email: heng AT cs DOT ucr DOT edu
  • Office: Winston Chung Hall 316
  • Office hours: Tue 1:30PM-3PM, Wed 10AM-11:30AM
  • Location and Time: MSE 003, Mon/Wed/Fri 2:10PM-3:00PM


No primary textbook. For undergraduate material, please refer to: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau


We will use iLearn for assignments and grading, and piazza for announcement, discussions and help.

Paper Reading and Critiques

Before each class, students need to check the schedule and read required papers (and are also encouraged to read the optional materials as well), and write a critique for the one marked as Critique.

Project Assignments (TBA)

There will be two project assignments based on XV6.


A midterm and a final exam are given to assess students' understanding of the papers and concepts discussed in the class.


  • Class participation: 10%
  • Paper critiques: 10%
  • Prject assignments: 30%
  • Midterm: 20%
  • Final: 30%

Policy for Late Submissions

Late submissions within 24 hours will be graded with 20% penalty. Late submissions beyond 24 hours will not be graded. Exceptions may only be granted case by case with evidence presented.


Date Topics Lecture Notes Reading
09/29 Syllabus and Overview lec1.pdf
10/02 Review & Historic evolution lec2.pdf Optional: Unix, Atlas, CCTS, THE, Multics
10/04 Extensibilty and Implications lec3.pdf Spin (Critique), Required: Exokernel; Optional: Mach
10/06 Extensibility lec4.pdf Required: L3/L4, Optional:L3 to seL4
10/09 Intro to xv6 XV6.pdf
10/11 Scheduling/Resource Allocation lec5.pdf Lottery scheduler (critique)
10/13 Scheduling/Resource Allocation lec6.pdf Stride scheduler (Required)
10/16 Scheduling lec7.pdf Activations (Critique)
10/18 Concurrency and Synchronization lec8.pdf Locks (Barriers optional; i.e., skip section 3 and section 4.4),, Recommended: Little book of semaphores, Memory consistency models, (optional)
10/20 Concurrency and Synchronization lec9.pdf RCU(Critique), Linux discussion of memory barriers (Optional)
10/23 Concurrency and Synchronization lec10.pdf, HTM.pdf Continue on RCU; Hardware transactional memory
10/25 Multicore OS lec11.pdf Barrelfish(Critique), Optional: DISCO, Corey
10/27 Multicore OS lec12.pdf Required: Linux scalability, Recommended: Decade of wasted cores
10/30 No class Conference travel Required: FFS
11/01 No class Conference travel Critique: LFS;
11/03 File Systems lec13.pdf
11/06 Midterm
11/08 Midterm review; File Systems Required: NFS
11/10 No class Holiday
11/13 Distributed File Systems lec14.pdf Critique: AFS
11/15 Big Data File Systems lec15.pdf Required: HDFS
11/17 Big Data File Systems lec16.pdf Critique: GFS
11/20 Internet Scale FS lec17.pdf Required: CalvinFS
11/22 Internet Scale FS lec18.pdf Critique: COPS, Recommended: Arrakis
11/24 No Class Thanksgiving Holiday
11/27 COPS & Virtualiation lec19.pdf
11/29 TA Help Session About Project 2
12/01 Virtualization
12/04 Virtualization lec20.pdf Critique: Turtles
12/06 Virtualization lec21.pdf Required: Cloudvisor
12/13 Final Exam 3:00PM - 6:00PM