Joe Michael Allen, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

LinkedIn | Resume (Jan. 2018) | CV (Jan. 2018)

  Research Interests

STEM Education - Many Small Programs (MSPs)

Traditionally, many CS1 courses assign students one large programming assignment (OLPs) each week to teach programming. We use a different approach: many small programs (MSPs). MSPs offer a unique way to assign programming assignments to students that involves assigning multiple smaller programming assignments instead of one large programming assignment each week.

STEM Education - Serious Games

Education research emphasizes the importance of repetition for skills mastery. I am developing engaging web-based math and computer science games specifically designed to help students build mastery of core skills. Each game is uniquely created to inherently teach the specific concept. Click here to see the games that have been created.

  Research Tools
  Papers / Talks / Publications

Journal and Conference publications

Talks not associated with publications


Teaching Assistant

CS010 (UCR) - Introduction to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering I. [Sp2017][Sp2018][W2019][F2019][W2020][Sp2020]


Programming Workflow Charts