CS 133 - Computational Geometry

Time: Tuesday & Thursday - 8:10 AM to 9:30 AM

Location: WCH 142

Instructor: Ahmed Eldawy - - Office Hours: 357 WCH - Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

TA: Samriddhi Singla - - Office Hours: 110 WCH - Monday & Wednesday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Required Textbook: Computational Geometry: Algorithms an Applications 3rd Ed, Springer By Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, and Mark Overmars

Optional Textbook and Reference: Computational Geometry: An Introduction, Springer, 2nd Ed By Franco P. Preparata and Michael I. Shamos


CS 133 covers algorithmic design, analysis, and implementation of computational geometry problems. In this course, you will referesh your knowledge in algorithms and learn new techniques that will help you, not only with computational geometry problems, but in other problems as well. These techniques are becoming more important due to the recent advances in smart phones, Internet of Things (IoT), ride sharing technology, and autonomuous vehices.

This course will provide the basic knowledge required to analylze, design, and implement, computational geometry algorithms. The topics covered in this course include:

  • Fundamentals of computational geometry
  • Search problems
  • Spatial indexing
  • Intersections problems (Intersection of lines, rectangles, and polygons)
  • Convex Hull (Gif wrapping, Graham scan, Monoton chain, and D&C methods)
  • Voronoi Diagram and Dealunay Triangulation
  • Polygon and trajectory simplification

Grade Breakdown

  • (5%) Class active partitipation
  • (10%) 5 assignments (The lowest grade does not count)
  • (30%) 10 labs (The lowest two grades do not count)
  • (10%) First midterm
  • (10%) Second midterm
  • (35%) Final


Date Topic  Material
Tue 4/2 Introduction to computational geometry  Slides
 IEEE floating point
Thu 4/4 Review: Linear Algebra  Slides
 Dot product
 Cross product
Tue 4/9 Computational Geometry Primitives  Slides
 Line intersection derivation
Thu 4/11 Convex Hull  Slides
Tue 4/16 Convex Hull
Thu 4/18 Convex Hull
Tue 4/23 Mid-term #1
Thu 4/25 Intersection Problems
Tue 4/30 Intersection Problems  Slides
Thu 5/2 Intersection Problems
Tue 5/7 Closest/Farthest Pair  Slides
Thu 5/9 Search Problems & Simplification/Triangulation  Slides
Tue 5/14 Triangulation  Slides
Thu 5/16 Vronoi Diagram & Delaunay Triangulation  Slides
Tue 5/21 Vronoi Diagram & Delaunay Triangulation  Slides
Thu 5/23 Mid-term #2
Tue 5/28 Vronoi Diagram & Delaunay Triangulation
Thu 5/30 Vronoi Diagram & Delaunay Triangulation
Tue 6/4 Computational Geometry on Big Data  Slides
Thu 6/6 Review  Slides
Saturday 6/8 Final Exam 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m - WCH 142




Date # PDF
Tue 4/2 #1
Tue 4/9 #2
Tue 4/16 #3
Tue 4/23 #4
Tue 4/30 #5
Tue 5/7 #6
Tue 5/14 #7
Tue 5/21 #8
Tue 5/28 #9
Tue 6/4 #10