Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Lab 7
Lab 8
Lab 9
Lab 10

Lab 1 : Introduction to OpenGL


In this assignment, you will be introduced to OpenGL and the 3D rendering pipeline. You are required to do the following.
1. Load a monkey head into your program from .RAW format data.
2. Render it using OpenGL. (Be sure to color it in such a way that its features are visible)


A monkey head has been created in a modelling program, such as Maya, 3D Studio Max, or Blender.

Keep in mind that this head consists of nothing but polygons (specifically, triangles).

In this example I'm using the RAW file format mostly because its so simple. Each line consists of nine numbers representing a triangle. Every three numbers form the x-y-z coordinate of a vertex. Together three vertices form a triangle. So our monkey.raw is nothing more than a list of triangles. There are of course more complicated file formats which can store color, texture, normal information, per vertex or are structured in better ways. But we will use this for its simplicity.

You will now load the file into a program (skeleton code provided) and then use some OpenGL calls to send those vertices down the graphics pipeline. The result will be similar to the following, albeit in wireframe:


The only thing we need to worry about right now is how to send triangles down the pipeline. Fortunately, this is as simple as specifiying the coordinates for the triangle:

glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); //tell OpenGL we'll be sending it a bunch of vertices
glEnd(); //tell OpenGL we are done

likewise we can also specify a color per vertex. This is specifying a specific vertex attribute. There are others such as glTexCoord2f() for texturing or glNormal3f() for normal information for lighting.

glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); //tell OpenGL we'll be sending it a bunch of vertices
glColor3f(0,0,0); //rgb color value
glColor3f(0,0,1); //rgb color value
glColor3f(1,1,1); //rgb color value
glEnd(); //tell OpenGL we are done

And of course we are only showing you the easiest(and depreciated) way to pass vertex data into OpenGL. There are of course faster ways that don't involve an entire function call per vertex you are passing in:
With vertex arrays you are essentially passing in pointers to your data instead of using an entire function call per vertex. You also pass in the stride, which tells OpenGL how many bytes to jump to get to the next part of the data. I'll lecture more on this if you're curious.

Also there are ways which involve storing the data inside the graphics card for future use. The benefit is that you don't have to stream in the data from the client each time you want to draw something.


Sample code is given here. Note: I stripped away all of the structure for the code to make it easier to parse. Later on in the course you will be given better organized code but for now I'm going to err on the side of simplicity. In the viewer, hold the left mouse to change the camera's position, and the right mouse to zoom in and out. Examine the code to find the simple camera implementation. Once you have the basics of monkey-head rendering working, take some time to play around with different vertex coloring, and solid vs. wireframe triangle rendering (what happens if you comment out the line saying "this will enable wireframe mode"). You can also play with the camera code itself; try making it more or less sensitive, changing the default orientation, or whatever else comes to mind.

Submission Instructions

Please save your labs. I will check off the labs when you are done. If you need more time or miss lab, send me finished code by the beginning of the next lab.

External Resources

The following resources should prove to be useful for this and future labs.

OpenGL 2.1 reference
OpenGL Programming Guide (Redbook)
OpenGL Reference Guide (Bluebook)
Nehe OpenGL Tutorials

Lab 2 : Line Rasterization


This lab will introduce you the basic problem of rasterization. For this lab you will implement the DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) line rasterization algorithm in OpenGL. Your implementation should be able to draw multiple lines of any slope without breaks.


The code you are given below allows you to draw lines on the screen using your mouse. These lines are rasterized using the equation y=mx+b. What happens when you draw a steep line?

Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the DDA algorithm linked below. You should understand how it solves the problem you saw before moving on. Proceed to implement the DDA algorithm in the proper function in code.

A good first step is to get DDA working for quadrant I (dx and dy both positive). With this completed, you now have to handle all different kinds of slopes. When you are finished, you will be able to demonstrate the abililty to draw a well-connected line in any direction.


You may download the starter code from here.

External Resources

DDA Wiki entry

Lab 3 : Transformations


This lab will introduce you to transformation hierarchies with OpenGL.

For this lab assignment you will be required to create and animate an object by transforming a set of basic geometric primitives. You will learn how to combine transformations to position and orient objects in 3D space, as well as how to make those objects move. After completing the lab, you should understand what a transformation hierarchy is. You will be allowed to choose the type of object you wish to model and animate; however, they must be subject to the following restrictions:

Here are some examples of interesting objects which meet the requirements:


As with prior labs, you will need to download starter code OpenGL 3D viewer code. This code will provide you with a functional 3D OpenGL viewer as well as a realtime timer that you will need.

Submission Instructions

I will check off the labs when you are done.

External Resources

OpenGL Viewing OpenGL Transformation

Lab 4 : Programmable Shading


In this lab you will learn about shading through the use of programmable shaders. You are required to set up the shaders and then perform diffuse shading on the monkey head. When you are done, I highly recommend you play with the shaders a bit to get a feel for them and what they can do. Play with them to better understand the graphics pipeline. You will be following the Lighthouse 3D tutorials to gain background knowledge of programmable shaders, and then create your own. Shaders consist of two files, a vertex shader and a fragment shader. You will start with a program very similar to lab 1, where you will need to add code to compile and link to the shaders you will add. Once you have written your shaders using the Lighthouse website as a reference, and loaded them successfully into your program, try to modify the diffuse shader a bit, or change the color used. I may ask you questions about how your code works in order to get checked off.


Sample code is available here. This is not all you will need; you will need to create the two shader files with the names given in the file.

External Resources

Lighthouse 3D tutorial
Further reading: OpenGL Shading Language
OpenGL 2.1 Reference Pages
The following code should help jump-start your
string vertexFile = getTextFile(vertexfilename);
string fragmentFile = getTextFile(fragmentfilename);

GLuint vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
char* c = &vertexFile[0];
glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, (const GLchar**)&c, NULL);

GLuint fragmentShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
c = &fragmentFile[0];
glShaderSource(fragmentShader, 1, (const GLchar**)&c, NULL);

// missing code to create program, attach both shaders, and link with the program
debugShader(vertexShader, fragmentShader, shaderProgram);

return shaderProgram;

Lab 5 : Texture Mapping


In this lab you will learn about texture mapping. You are required to map a texture onto a model. In addition, you are required to add specular lighting to your model. I recommend using the lighthouse GLSL tutorial examples from last lab ( Lighthouse 3D tutorial) and the Gamedev link below. Like last lab, you will need to add code to main, as well as modify the two shaders. Keep in mind that you won't see anything different as long as the shader doesn't use the texture data. Also, note the format for the monkey.tga file is RGBA, while it's RGB for the monkey_ambient_occlusion file. When you are done, I highly recommend you play with the textures a bit to get a feel for them and what they can do. I may ask you to explain or change your code for checkoff.


Sample code is available here.

Submission Instructions

I will check off the labs when you are done.

External Resources

team fortress 2 illustrative rendering
Gamedev texture mapping tutorial
OpenGL 2.1 Reference Pages

Lab 6 : SLERP


This lab will introduce you to the usefulness of quaternions as a 3D-rotation representation. Today you will be exploring quaternions most useful feature, the ability to smoothly interpolate without ugly singularities. As with previous labs, you will need to download starter code. This code will provide you with a basic quaternion class to help you get started.

You will be required to implement the SLERP (spherical linear interpolation) function discussed in lab. Once you have implemented SLERP you should specify two rotations (must not be along the same rotation axis) in angle-axis format, convert them to quaternions, and then perform Slerp for varying values of u (iterate across the interpolation parameter, u, from 0 to 1 in fixed step sizes). You will then take the provided plane model and draw it multiple times using rotations you sampled from the SLERP function. You should end up with an rendering that is similar to the image above.

BONUS: Make the plane fly! Interpolate the rotation of the plane in time using the real-time timer. Let each draw cycle update the position of the plane (assume a constant velocity) based upon the current forward facing direction. You can use the forward Euler numerical integration rule, x_{t+h} = x_{t} + h*v_{t}, (where x, v, and h are the position, velocity, and step size), to update the position of the plane each draw cycle.

Additional Reading

Slerp Article on Wikipedia
Animating Rotation with Quaternion Curves Read the SLERP section for alternative way of doing SLERP

Lab 7 : Introduction to Raytracing


This lab is to help you get started with your second assignment which is on raytracing. The main difference between this lab and your second assignment is that in the second assignment you'll be working with a lot of skeleton code. To compensate, this lab will give you very little skeleton code and require you to implement much of the raytracing from scratch. We will focus in particular on casting the viewrays through the pixel grid and determining collisions. Flat shading of the sphere is sufficient for checkoff, but I recommend staying the full time to work on Phong shading if you don't have it done in your assignment 2 yet.



External Resources

Ray sphere intersection

Lab 10 : Particle Systems


Particle simulation is used quite often in computer graphics to generate the motion. Today you will be simulating mass particles to generate an animation for lava. In contrast to previous labs, the animations you generate today will be created almost automatically through integration of Newton's Second Law of Motion, f=ma. This lab will demonstrate the power of particle simulation for animating complex phenomenon.

You should implement the particle system discussed in the provided PDF. You will need to implement the following components:

It should appear similar to the image below. Make sure you introduce some randomness into the initial velocity of particle, otherwise your lava will look eerily uniform and un-compelling. Your crater should also emit particles indefinitely.


Make the lava more realistic by introducing other sources of force. Some examples are:


Download the starter code here and the accompanying document here.

If you don't finish today, demonstrate the lab at my office hours next Wednesday.