Lab 2

    •    Concept of a tag attribute: <H1 color=blue> the color part is the attribute

    •    Font Tag. Font face limitations

    •    Web Colors

    •    Aligning text (left, right, center)

    •    Linking

    •    Images, Image attributes (including the 'alt' tag and 'title' tag)

    •    Image alignment

    •    Including Height and width - how if you get the ratios wrong, you squish the picture - including both makes the page load faster, but using only one eliminates the need to do the math.

    •    Turning an image into a link.

    •    Right-clicking on an image for its address from someone else, for you to use.

    •    How loading in an image from another site actually makes a call to that page too, so if your page is too popular, you can actually put quite a load on the other site.

    •    Adding white space around an image.

    •    Time to load images (even if they 'appear small'), therefore why we use thumbnails that are a second copy of the image that actually IS smaller.


Regular sized Ackbar

Cover pages 175 through 188.
Complete the Exercises on these pages.
Make your own page (totally for fun) that contains headings, images, and links. Your TA must sign off on your page before you leave lab.

    •    Web colors --> explain that hexadecimal is just a nifty way of expressing colors, and you can look up the code for the color you want. Also, you can use some basic words like "white" "black" "red" but that is dull.

    •    Font face (to use a special font, it needs to be on the user's computer, and the only three reliable fonts are serif, sans-serif, and monospaced.

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