CSC 141

       The overview of the class (syllabus).


         Mideterm will be on the 31st of October.
         During the midterm you are allowed to have with you 1 page (two-sides) of personal notes.
         Please arrive at the class 12:25, since we need to seat everybody.
        Now the midterm with solutions.

        Assignment 1 html and now the grades.
        The solutions of As.1 are out for the written part. Follow the as1 link above.

        Assignment 2 html
         will be due on 17th November 4:00 in my mailbox for the written part
         and 10:59pm for the programming part.

        Assignment 3 html  Now released.

        Solutions for Assignment 2 and 3 can be found in the following places:
         As. 2 
         As. 3 
         NEW: Grades as of 7 Dec 2000. ps, or pdf.

        FINAL:   Current date -- please double-check again when the time comes
        Dec 15, 2000 from 11:30-2:30. It should be scheduled in
        the same room as your lecture unless you are notified otherwise (unlikely
        that it would be anywhere else).

       To facilitate grade dissemination, you can sign and return the following form that will allow
        us to post your grades with the 4 digts of your SSN number. You are not required to do so, but
        it will help you learn your grades faster. The alternative is to come to the lab hours and ask
        your TA to bring a grade sheet with him/her. Here is the form

        Intended Material Covered by week.

        Note: we will not cover the whole chapter typically plus we may
        talk about some things outside the book. Keep in touch.
        See: Fall 1999 material
        for last years covered material as an *indication*.

      Tu 3 Oct: (ch. 5)
         Introduction to Graphs          Proving techniques        Trees and properties
      T u 10 Oct:  (ch. 23)
         Graph representation, Breadth First Search   Depth First Search
      Tu 17 Oct: (ch. 24)
           Minimum Spanning Trees
      Tu 24 Oct: (ch. 25)
             Single-Source Shortest Paths
      Tu 31 Oct: (ch. 26)
              Midterm - All Pairs Shortest Paths
      Tu 7 Nov: (ch. 26)
                All Pairs Shortest Paths
      Tu 14 Nov:
               Steiner tree problem and approximation algorithms
               Not in textbook - handout provided
              See: Steiner Tree Problem handout
      Tu 21 Nov:
             Maximum Flow: Ford-Fulkerson, Min-Cut-Max-Flow Theorem.
Applications: Maximum Matching
            See an informative and humorous handout for Max-Flow by R. Tamassia:
             pdf (70K) and ps (ps is 2.1M!)
       Tu 28 Nov:
                Introduction to NP-completeness
        Dec 5:
                Wrap up.

Useful Links

       Example: a linked list in C++.