CS179M: Project in Artificial Intelligence - Winter 2008

Basic Information

Lecture: F 2:10pm - 3:00pm OLMH 1126
Lab: M 6:10pm - 9:00pm ENGR2 135
Instructor: Dimitrios Gunopulos
TA: Shashwati Kasetty

Instructor office hours: TBA
TA office hours: M 2:00pm - 4:00pm ENGR2 368


The goal of this course is to give each student an understanding of how to use different machine learning algorithms to solve regression problems. The project for this course will be done in groups. There will be two parts to the project. The first part will involve fine-tuning common regression algorithms to solve a real-world problem as accurately as possible. The second part will involve creating a web interface in which users can enter queries about the data. The best projects will include thorough testing, results and explanations for the algorithms tested in part one of the project, as well as an easy to use and working web interface for part two.

Presentation and Report

Binder Requirements:
Presentation Guidelines:

Project Description and Guidelines

Hosting you web application online:
Your web application needs to support the following operations:
Download the datasets here. Download only the files associated with the Sale Price Prediction task.


The grading will be based primarily on the final report and presentation. You will also be graded on other documents submitted throughout the quarter, such as the project plan due in Week 4.
