Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain (1999)

by Tomaso Poggio and Christian R. Shelton

Abstract: The problem of learning is arguably at the very core of the problem of intelligence, both biological and artificial. In this paper we review our work over the last ten years in the area of supervised learning, focusing on three interlinked directions of research: theory, engineering applications - that is making intelligent software - and neuroscience - that is understanding the brain's mechanisms of learning.

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Tomaso Poggio and Christian R. Shelton (1999). "Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain." AI Magazine, 20(3), 37-55. pdf   ps ps.gz    

Bibtex citation

   author = "Tomaso Poggio and Christian R. Shelton",
   title = "Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain",
   journal = "AI Magazine",
   journalabbr = "AI Mag.",
   year = 1999,
   volume = 20,
   number = 3,
   pages = "37--55",