Features or Shape? Tackling the False Dichotomy of Time Series Classification (2020)

by Sara Alaee, Alireza Abdoli, Christian Shelton, Amy C. Murillo, Alec C. Gerry, and Eamonn Keogh

Abstract: Time series classification is an important task in its own right, and it is often a precursor to further downstream analytics. To date, virtually all works in the literature have used either shape-based classification using a distance measure or feature-based classification after finding some suitable features for the domain. It seems to be underappreciated that in many datasets it is the case that some classes are best discriminated with features, while others are best discriminated with shape. Thus, making the shape vs. feature choice will condemn us to poor results, at least for some classes. In this work, we propose a new model for classifying time series that allows the use of both shape and feature-based measures, when warranted. Our algorithm automatically decides which approach is best for which class, and at query time chooses which classifier to trust the most. We evaluate our idea on real world datasets and demonstrate that our ideas produce statistically significant improvement in classification accuracy.

Download Information

Sara Alaee, Alireza Abdoli, Christian Shelton, Amy C. Murillo, Alec C. Gerry, and Eamonn Keogh (2020). "Features or Shape? Tackling the False Dichotomy of Time Series Classification." SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. pdf          

Bibtex citation

   author = "Sara Alaee and Alireza Abdoli and Christian Shelton and Amy C. Murillo and Alec C. Gerry and Eamonn Keogh",
   title = "Features or Shape? Tackling the False Dichotomy of Time Series Classification",
   booktitle = "{SIAM} International Conference on Data Mining",
   booktitleabbr = "SDM",
   year = 2020,