The given example code targets RIMS, a microcontroller simulator with its own interface to a timer peripheral, and simple I/O ports A and B. To use an AVR microcontroller, the following functions must be replaced with functions that target the AVR you are using:
The following sections provide code for implementing RIOS on an AVR ATMega324P.


   TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12)|(1<<CS12); //Clear timer on compare. Prescaler = 256
   TIMSK1 = (1<<OCIE1A); //Enables compare match interrupt 
   SREG |= 0x80; //Enable global interrupts 


void TimerSet(int milliseconds){ 
TCNT1 = 0; 
OCR1A = milliseconds*31.25; // 8 MHz AVR, prescalar == 256 -> 31.25 ticks per ms


AVRs require specific, predefined function names when calling an ISR. Therefore we can simply place the TimerISR function into the appropriate interrupt function, which in this case is the timer 1 compare interrupt. To save a few cycles, the RIOS kernel code can be inlined into the AVR-specific interrupt function instead.
void TimerISR(){ 
// RIOS scheduler code 
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { // Timer compare match interrupt service routine

Complete AVR example.

The following is complete template code for the preemptive version of RIOS implemented on an AVR. Simply replace the 3 empty task functions with your own code.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <math.h>
#define F_CPU 8000000UL  
#include <util/delay.h>

typedef struct task {
   unsigned char running; // 1 indicates task is running
   int state;             // Current state of state machine
   unsigned long period; // Rate at which the task should tick
   unsigned long elapsedTime; // Time since task's previous tick
   int (*TickFct)(int); // Function to call for task's tick
} task;

task tasks[3];

const unsigned char tasksNum = 3;
const unsigned long tasksPeriodGCD = 25;
const unsigned long period1 = 25;
const unsigned long period2 = 50;
const unsigned long period3 = 100;

int TickFct_1(int state);
int TickFct_2(int state);
int TickFct_3(int state);
unsigned char runningTasks[4] = {255}; // Track running tasks, [0] always idleTask
const unsigned long idleTask = 255; // 0 highest priority, 255 lowest
unsigned char currentTask = 0; // Index of highest priority task in runningTasks

unsigned schedule_time = 0;
   unsigned char i;
   for (i=0; i < tasksNum; ++i) { // Heart of scheduler code
      if (  (tasks[i].elapsedTime >= tasks[i].period) // Task ready
          && (runningTasks[currentTask] > i) // Task priority > current task priority
          && (!tasks[i].running) // Task not already running (no self-preemption)
         ) { 
         SREG &= 0x7F;
         tasks[i].elapsedTime = 0; // Reset time since last tick
         tasks[i].running = 1; // Mark as running
         currentTask += 1;
         runningTasks[currentTask] = i; // Add to runningTasks
         SREG |= 0x80;
         tasks[i].state = tasks[i].TickFct(tasks[i].state); // Execute tick
         SREG &= 0x7F;
         tasks[i].running = 0; // Mark as not running
         runningTasks[currentTask] = idleTask; // Remove from runningTasks
         currentTask -= 1;
         SREG |= 0x80;
      tasks[i].elapsedTime += tasksPeriodGCD;

void init_processor() {
    /*Set up SPI*/
    PORTB = 0xff;
    /*Set up timer*/
    TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12)|(1<<CS11); // CTC mode (clear timer on compare). Prescaler=8
    // AVR output compare register OCR0.
    OCR1A = 25000;
    // AVR timer interrupt mask register         
    TIMSK1 = (1<<OCIE1A); //enables compare match interrupt
    TCNT1 = 0;
    /*Enable global interrupts*/
    SREG |= 0x80;

int main(void)

   // Priority assigned to lower position tasks in array
   unsigned char i = 0;
   tasks[i].state = -1;
   tasks[i].period = period1;
   tasks[i].elapsedTime = tasks[i].period;
   tasks[i].running = 0;
   tasks[i].TickFct = &TickFct_1;
   tasks[i].state = -1;
   tasks[i].period = period2;
   tasks[i].elapsedTime = tasks[i].period;
   tasks[i].running = 0;
   tasks[i].TickFct = &TickFct_2;
   tasks[i].state = -1;
   tasks[i].period = period3;
   tasks[i].elapsedTime = tasks[i].period;
   tasks[i].running = 0;
   tasks[i].TickFct = &TickFct_3;

int TickFct_1(int state) {
    return 0;

int TickFct_2(int state) {
    return 0;

int TickFct_3(int state) {
    return 0;