Midterm 2 covers Chapters 8-13 of the book. Below is a list of some of the important topics in those chapters. Caveat: this is not necessarily an exhaustive list of possible topics on the exam. 2D Arrays - Advanced concepts - basic properties: length, ndims, numel, size - elementary arrays: zeros, ones, eye, diag - Array manipulation: fliplr, flipud, rot90, tril, triu - repmat - tiling an array - reshape - reshaping an array - find - sort and sortrows - logical functions for arrays - type: ischar, isnumeric, isinteger, isfloat, islogical, isreal, isa - characteristics: isscalar, isvector, iscolumn, ismatrix, isempty - determine indices satisfying property: isprime, isfinite, isinf, isnan - all, any - ismember - array arithmetic operations - elementwise - plus +, minus - - times .*, rdivide ./ - power .^ - matrix - mtimes *, mrdivide /, mldivide \ - mpower ^ - transpose .', ctranspose ' - linear algebra functions - det, eig, inv, trace, norm, diag - solving a system of linear equations with Matlab - Ax = b - solve as A \ b - 2D functions - rand, randi - mean, std, median, mode, max, min, range, sum Branches - if-else-end - if-elseif-else-end - switch-case-otherwise-end Loops - while-end - for-end - break Functions - functions handles - anonymous functions - local functions - nested functions - scope of variables - global variable - persistent variable - recursion - nargin Images/Plots - 3D arrays - RGB image - indexed image - image file ops - 3D line plot - meshgrid - surf, mesh, contour - scatter - animation using pause Cell arrays and Structure arrays - constructing cell arrays - cell indexing and content indexing of cell arrays - structures - comma separated lists