Sai Charan

University of California, Riverside


Interests | Publications | Theses | Talks | On Scholar | Research Log

Research: Interests & Summary

Sai Charan’s doctoral research dealt with Size Oblivious Programming for irregular BigData applications & programming language and compiler support for parallel, distributed computing; specifically on distributed software speculation. He briefly worked on runtime monitoring support for parallel, distributed programs.

In the past, Sai proposed hyper-dimensional extensions of the Baker’s map to strengthen Chaos theory based image encryption. Sai also had a brief stint with Optical Character Recognition for his native Telugu script using the Discrete Cosine Transform.

This page lists Sai’s publications, theses, talks & scholar links.



  • Size Oblivious Programming of Clusters for Irregular Applications. Doctoral Dissertation, (Ph.D.) University of California Riverside. Defended Theisis: September 2015, Degree Awarded: Dec 2015.
    Download thesis from The University of California (UC) Open Access System, eScholarship.
  • Multi Dimensional Baker Maps for Chaos based Image Encryption. Master’s Thesis (MTech.), Sri Sathya Sai University, 2008.
  • A Block DCT Based Optical Character Recognition System for Telugu Script, Master’s thesis (MSc.), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 2006.



Explore Sai Charan’s work on Google Scholar or Microsoft academic search.

Research Log

A reverse chronologically ordered log of notable events in Sai Charan’s Doctoral program is his research log.