Qian  Zhang

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Qian Zhang

My name is pronounced "ch-i-an j-ah-ng"

Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside
Email: qzhang AT cs.ucr.edu

About Me

I am a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, Riverside. Prior to that, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA during 2019-2022. I worked with Prof. Miryung Kim on software developer tools for democrotizing heterogeneous computing. I got my Ph.D. from CUHK in 2018, adviced by Prof. Johnny Xu.

My research lies at the unique intersection of software engineering, big data analytics, and heterogeneous computing. The vision of my research is to democratize the development of emerging software (such as ML, heterogeneous applications, big data analytics) by reinventing software testing, debugging, and analysis tools. I have been selected as one of the eight MIT EECS rising stars in Systems (broadly defined) in 2021. I have received awards such as ACM SIGSOFT Research Highlights, Regents Faculty Fellowship, and GHC Faculty Scholarship. My research is funded by NSF, Cisco, and UCR Senate.

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