The Slide-Structure of a Technical 20-min Presentation
By Michalis Faloutsos
Thanks to Michael Samidi

General guidelines: A Suggestion for the Structure of the Slides

Clearly this is not the only way. But it has worked for me. Every talk is different. However, if you don't have a lot of experience, this may be a good starting point. Note: Especially for my students: Please start from this structure and write one or two phrases per slide that will summarize the main point of each slide.

1. Title1 slide
2. What is the problem1 slide
3. What is the solution/contribution1 slide
4. Motivation/Importance1 slide
5. Roadmap1 slide
6. Background/Model/Definitions/Previous Works1-3 slide
7. Your innovation and contribution:
  • top-down
  • details in separate slides
  • proof
1-3 slide
8. Experimental results/Proofs3-5 slide
9. Conclusions1 slide
10. Future Work1 slide