import java.util.*; import*; /** * CSC 270 simulation example * Adapted January 1998 by J. Clarke from a C++ version, itself based on a * Turing original by M. Molle. * * Sim: the class in charge of the simulation. * This class contains both the main() method for the application, and the * "global" variables controlling the execution. */ public class Sim { // "Global" quantities used throughout the simulation public static double simulationTime; // What time is it? public static double reportInterval; // How often should we report? // quantities that determine how we model the real world // In a more elaborate program, these might be input data. // economics: profit per litre of gas, and cost to operate one pump for a day public static double profit = 0.025; public static double pumpCost = 20; // demand: minimum and maximum amount of gas needed by a car // See Car constructor. public static double litresNeededMin = 10; public static double litresNeededRange = 50; // service times: constant base time + time per litre + random spread // See Pump.serviceTime(). public static double serviceTimeBase = 150; public static double serviceTimePerLitre = 0.5; public static double serviceTimeSpread = 30; // customer behaviour: probability of balking depends on three // ad-hoc constants. See Arrival.doesCarBalk(). public static double balkA = 40; public static double balkB = 25; public static double balkC = 3; // customer arrival rate // See Arrival.interarrivalTime(). public static double meanInterarrivalTime = 50; // seconds // random-number streams used to model the world public static Random arrivalStream; // auto arrival times public static Random litreStream; // number of litres needed public static Random balkingStream; // balking probability public static Random serviceStream; // service times // major data structures public static EventList eventList; public static CarQueue carQueue; public static PumpStand pumpStand; public static Statistics stats; /** * main entrypoint - starts the application * @param args java.lang.String[] */ public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; // Read data and print introduction. reportInterval = new Double(in.readLine()).doubleValue(); double endingTime = new Double(in.readLine()).doubleValue(); int numPumps = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine()); System.out.print ("This simulation run uses " + numPumps + " pumps "); // Initialize the random-number streams. System.out.println ("and the following random number seeds:"); int seed = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine()); arrivalStream = new Random (seed); System.out.print (" " + seed); seed = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine()); litreStream = new Random (seed); System.out.print (" " + seed); seed = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine()); balkingStream = new Random (seed); System.out.print (" " + seed); seed = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine()); serviceStream = new Random (seed); System.out.print (" " + seed); System.out.println (""); // Create and initialize the event list, the car queue, the pump stand, // and the statistics collector. eventList = new EventList (); carQueue = new CarQueue (); pumpStand = new PumpStand (numPumps); stats = new Statistics (); // Schedule the required events: // the end of the simulation; // the first progress report; // the arrival of the first car. EndOfSimulation lastEvent = new EndOfSimulation (endingTime); eventList.insert (lastEvent); if (reportInterval <= endingTime) { Report nextReport = new Report (reportInterval); eventList.insert (nextReport); } eventList.insert (new Arrival (0)); // (Should the first car really arrive at time 0?) // The "clock driver" loop while (true) { Event currentEvent = eventList.takeNextEvent(); simulationTime = currentEvent.getTime(); currentEvent.makeItHappen(); if (currentEvent instanceof EndOfSimulation) break; } } } /** * Statistics: the class for objects that collect statistics. * (There is only one such object in this program.) */ class Statistics { // The explicit initializations are not needed, but improve clarity. private int totalArrivals = 0; private int customersServed = 0; private int balkingCustomers = 0; private double totalLitresSold = 0.0; private double totalLitresMissed = 0.0; private double totalWaitingTime = 0.0; private double totalServiceTime = 0.0; /** * Constructor. */ public Statistics ( ) { printHeaders(); } /** * accumBalk: record and count a lost sale. * @param litres double */ public void accumBalk (double litres) { balkingCustomers += 1; totalLitresMissed += litres; } /** * accumSale: record and count a sale. * @param litres double */ public void accumSale (double litres) { customersServed += 1; totalLitresSold += litres; } /** * accumServiceTime: record a customer's service time. * @param interval double */ public void accumServiceTime (double interval) { totalServiceTime += interval; } /** * accumWaitingTime: record a customer's waiting time. * @param interval double */ public void accumWaitingTime (double interval) { totalWaitingTime += interval; } /** * countArrival: record an arrival. */ public void countArrival () { totalArrivals += 1; } /** * fmtDbl: convert a double to a string of a specified width representing * the number rounded to the specified number of digits. The string * returned is padded by blanks on the left if necessary. If it is too long, * it is not changed. If it is out of range for the "int" type, strange * results will be returned. * @return java.lang.String * @param number double * @param width int * @param precision int */ private static String fmtDbl (double number, int width, int precision) { // round and convert to string without decimal point double scale = 1; for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) scale *= 10; String result = "" + (int) (number*scale + 0.5); // insert decimal point and leading zero if necessay if (precision > 0) { for (int i = result.length(); i < precision + 1; i++) result = "0" + result; int insertPos = result.length() - precision; // where the decimal point goes result = result.substring (0, insertPos) + "." + result.substring (insertPos); } // pad with blanks if necessary for (int i = result.length(); i < width; i++) result = " " + result; return result; } /** * fmtInt: convert an int to a string of a specified width. * The string returned is padded by blanks on the left if necessary. * If it is too long, it is not changed. * @return java.lang.String * @param number int * @param width int */ private static String fmtInt (int number, int width) { String result = "" + number; for (int i = result.length(); i < width; i++) result = " " + result; return result; } /** * printHeaders: print column titles for the statistics summaries. */ private static void printHeaders () { System.out.println (" Current Total NoQueue Car->Car Average Number Average Pump Total Lost"); System.out.println (" Time Cars Fraction Time Litres Balked Wait Usage Profit Profit"); for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++) System.out.print ("-"); System.out.println (""); } /** * snapshot: print a summary of the statistics so far. */ public void snapshot () { System.out.print (fmtDbl (Sim.simulationTime, 8, 0)); System.out.print (fmtInt (totalArrivals, 7)); System.out.print (fmtDbl (Sim.carQueue.getEmptyTime()/Sim.simulationTime, 8, 3)); if (totalArrivals > 0) { System.out.print (fmtDbl (Sim.simulationTime/totalArrivals, 9, 3)); System.out.print (fmtDbl ((totalLitresSold + totalLitresMissed) / totalArrivals, 8, 3)); } else System.out.print (" Unknown Unknown"); System.out.print (fmtInt (balkingCustomers, 7)); if (customersServed > 0) System.out.print (fmtDbl (totalWaitingTime/customersServed, 9, 3)); else System.out.print (" Unknown"); System.out.print (fmtDbl (totalServiceTime / (Sim.pumpStand.getNumberOfPumps() * Sim.simulationTime), 7, 3)); System.out.print (fmtDbl (totalLitresSold * Sim.profit - Sim.pumpCost * Sim.pumpStand.getNumberOfPumps(), 9, 2)); System.out.print (fmtDbl (totalLitresMissed * Sim.profit, 7, 2)); System.out.println (""); } } /** * Car: the class representing cars. */ class Car { private double arrivalTime; private double litresNeeded; /** * Constructor. * * The number of litres required is a property of a car, so it belongs in * this class. It is also something the car "knows" when it arrives, so it * should be calculated in the constructor. * * The distribution of litres required is uniform between 10 and 60. */ public Car () { litresNeeded = Sim.litresNeededMin + Sim.litreStream.nextDouble() * Sim.litresNeededRange; } /** * getArrivalTime: return the car's arrival time. * @return double */ public double getArrivalTime () { return arrivalTime; } /** * getLitresNeeded: return the number of litres of fuel needed by the car. * @return double */ public double getLitresNeeded () { return litresNeeded; } /** * setArrivalTime: set the car's arrival time. * @param time double */ public void setArrivalTime (double time) { arrivalTime = time; } } /** * CarQueue: the class representing the lineup of cars at the gas station. */ class CarQueue { // QueueItem: the class for objects stored in the car queue. private class QueueItem { // The car queue is a linked list, so each item contains a data field // and a "next item" field. This is just a simple record structure, so // we'll allow outsiders to access the fields directly instead of using // get and set methods. public Car data; public QueueItem next; } private QueueItem firstWaitingCar; private QueueItem lastWaitingCar; private int queueSize; private double totalEmptyQueueTime; /** * Constructor. */ public CarQueue () { firstWaitingCar = null; lastWaitingCar = null; queueSize = 0; totalEmptyQueueTime = 0; } /** * getEmptyTime: return the total time the car queue has been empty. * @return double */ public double getEmptyTime () { if (queueSize > 0) return totalEmptyQueueTime; else return totalEmptyQueueTime + Sim.simulationTime; } /** * getQueueSize: return the number of cars in the car queue. * @return int */ public int getQueueSize () { return queueSize; } /** * insert: put a newly-arrived car into the car queue. * @param newestcar sim.Car */ public void insert (Car newestCar) { QueueItem item = new QueueItem(); = newestCar; = null; if (lastWaitingCar == null) { // the queue is empty firstWaitingCar = item; totalEmptyQueueTime += Sim.simulationTime; } else { // the queue already had at least one car in it = item; } lastWaitingCar = item; queueSize += 1; } /** * takeFirstCar: remove first car from car queue and return it. * @return sim.Car */ public Car takeFirstCar () { // precondition: queueSize > 0 && firstWaitingCar != null if (queueSize <= 0 || firstWaitingCar == null) { System.out.println ("Error! car queue unexpectedly empty"); return null; } Car carToReturn =; queueSize--; firstWaitingCar =; if (firstWaitingCar == null) { // empty queue: update the end of the queue, and start // counting empty queue time lastWaitingCar = null; totalEmptyQueueTime -= Sim.simulationTime; } return carToReturn; } } /** * Pump: the class representing single pumps at the gas station. */ class Pump { private Car carInService; /** * getCarInService: return the car currently being served by the pump. * @return sim.Car */ public Car getCarInService () { return carInService; } /** * serviceTime: determine how long the service will take. * This is a property of the pump-car combination, so the method could have * been in the Car class if the appropriate information were available there. * * Service times have a normal distribution with a mean given by a constant * base plus an amount of time per litre, and with a fixed standard * deviation. * @return double */ private double serviceTime () { if (carInService == null) { System.out.println ("Error! no car in service when expected"); return -1.0; } return Sim.serviceTimeBase + Sim.serviceTimePerLitre * carInService.getLitresNeeded() + Sim.serviceTimeSpread * Sim.serviceStream.nextGaussian(); } /** * startService: the start-of-service event routine. * Connects the car to this pump, and determines when the service will stop. * @param car sim.Car */ public void startService (Car car) { // precondition: Sim.pumpStand.aPumpIsAvailable(). // Match the auto to an available pump. carInService = car; final double pumpTime = serviceTime(); // Collect statistics. Sim.stats.accumWaitingTime (Sim.simulationTime - carInService.getArrivalTime()); Sim.stats.accumServiceTime (pumpTime); // Schedule departure of car from this pump. Departure dep = new Departure (Sim.simulationTime + pumpTime); dep.setPump (this); Sim.eventList.insert (dep); } } /** * PumpStand: the class for the complete collection of pumps at the gas station. */ class PumpStand { private Pump[] pumps; // an array of pumps private int numPumps; private int topPump; /** * Constructor: build a PumpStand of numPumps pumps, and make all of * them available. * @param numPumps int */ public PumpStand (int numPumps) { if (numPumps < 1) { System.out.println ("Error! pump stand needs more than 0 pumps"); return; } pumps = new Pump[numPumps]; this.numPumps = numPumps; topPump = numPumps - 1; for (int p = 0; p < numPumps; p++) pumps[p] = new Pump(); } /** * aPumpIsAvailable: return true/false according to whether at least one * pump is free for use. * @return boolean */ public boolean aPumpIsAvailable () { return topPump >= 0; } /** * getNumberOfPumps: return the number of pumps in the pump stand. * (This method is needed when statistics are gathered.) * @return int */ public int getNumberOfPumps () { return numPumps; } /** * releasePump: put pump p back in the stock of available pumps. * @param p sim.Pump */ public void releasePump (Pump p) { if (topPump >= numPumps) { System.out.println ("Error! attempt to release a free pump?"); return; } pumps[++topPump] = p; } /** * takeAvailablePump: take a pump from the set of free pumps, and return that pump. * @return sim.Pump */ public Pump takeAvailablePump () { if (topPump < 0) { System.out.println ("Error! no pump available when needed"); return null; } return pumps[topPump--]; } } /** * Event: the class representing events within the simulation model. * * Remember that events are not entities in the same sense as cars and pumps * are, and the event queue does not have the same reality as the car queue. * The event queue is a data structure without a real-world equivalent, while * the car queue is real and you can see it. Events are not quite so imaginary, * but they are certainly less visible than cars. */ abstract class Event { private double time; // the time when the event happens /** * Constructor. * @param time double */ public Event (double time) { this.time = time; } /** * getTime: return the time of the event. * @return double */ public double getTime () { return time; } /** * makeItHappen: the event routine. */ public abstract void makeItHappen (); /** * setTime: set the time of the event. * @param time double */ public void setTime (double time) { this.time = time; } } /** * EventList: the class for the event list. * (There is only one object of this class in the program.) */ class EventList { // ListItem: the class for objects stored in the event list. private class ListItem { // The event list is a linked list, so each item contains a data field // and a "next item" field. This is just a simple record structure, so // we'll allow outsiders to access the fields directly instead of using // get and set methods. public Event data; public ListItem next; } ListItem firstEvent; /** * Constructor. */ public EventList ( ) { firstEvent = null; // happens automatically, but done explicitly // here to clarify the "empty list" state. } /** * insert: add an event e to the event list in the appropriate place, * prioritized by time. * @param e sim.Event */ public void insert (Event e) { // Create the item to go on the event list. ListItem item = new ListItem(); = e; // Find the appropriate place for the item in the event list, // and put it there. final double time = e.getTime(); if (firstEvent == null || time < { = firstEvent; firstEvent = item; } else { ListItem behind = firstEvent; ListItem ahead =; while (ahead != null && <= time) { behind = ahead; ahead =; } = item; = ahead; } } /** * takeNextEvent: remove the item at the head of the event list and * return it. * @return sim.Event */ public Event takeNextEvent () { // precondition: firstEvent != null if (firstEvent == null) { System.out.println ("Error! ran out of events"); return null; } Event eventToReturn =; firstEvent =; return eventToReturn; } } /** * Arrival: the class representing arrival events. */ class Arrival extends Event { /** * Constructor. * @param time double */ public Arrival (double time) { super (time); } /** * doesCarBalk: decide whether a car should balk. * Deciding whether to balk is an activity that forms part of the arrival * event, so this method belongs among the event routines. * * The probability that a car leaves without buying gas (i.e., balks) grows * larger as the queue length gets larger, and grows smaller when the car * requires a greater number of litres of gas, so that: * (1) there is no balking if the queue length is zero, and * (2) otherwise, the probability of NOT balking is * (40 + litres)/(25 * (3 + queueLength)) * @return boolean * @param litres double * @param queueLength int */ private boolean doesCarBalk (double litres, int queueLength) { return queueLength > 0 && (Sim.balkingStream.nextDouble() > (Sim.balkA + litres) / (Sim.balkB * (Sim.balkC + queueLength))); } /** * interarrivalTime: the time until the next arrival, from an exponential * distribution. * @return double */ private double interarrivalTime () { return - Sim.meanInterarrivalTime * Math.log (Sim.arrivalStream.nextDouble()); } /** * makeItHappen: arrival event routine. */ public void makeItHappen() { // Create and initialize a new auto record. Car arrivingCar = new Car (); Sim.stats.countArrival(); final double litres = arrivingCar.getLitresNeeded(); if (doesCarBalk (litres, Sim.carQueue.getQueueSize())) Sim.stats.accumBalk (litres); else { arrivingCar.setArrivalTime (Sim.simulationTime); if (Sim.pumpStand.aPumpIsAvailable()) Sim.pumpStand.takeAvailablePump().startService (arrivingCar); else Sim.carQueue.insert (arrivingCar); } // Schedule the next arrival, reusing the current event object. setTime (Sim.simulationTime + interarrivalTime()); Sim.eventList.insert (this); } } /** * Departure: the class representing departure events. */ class Departure extends Event { private Pump pump; /** * Constructor. * @param time double */ public Departure(double time) { super(time); } /** * makeItHappen: departure event routine. */ public void makeItHappen() { // precondition: pump != null && pump.getCarInService != null // Identify the departing car and collect statistics. Car departingCar = pump.getCarInService(); Sim.stats.accumSale (departingCar.getLitresNeeded()); // The car vanishes and the pump is free; can we serve another car? if (Sim.carQueue.getQueueSize() > 0) pump.startService (Sim.carQueue.takeFirstCar()); else Sim.pumpStand.releasePump (pump); } /** * setPump: assign a pump to this arrival. * @param pump sim.Pump */ public void setPump (Pump pump) { this.pump = pump; } } /** * Report: the class representing reporting events. */ class Report extends Event { /** * Constructor. * @param time double */ public Report(double time) { super(time); } /** * makeItHappen: interim reporting event routine. */ public void makeItHappen() { Sim.stats.snapshot (); // Schedule the next interim report. setTime (Sim.simulationTime + Sim.reportInterval); Sim.eventList.insert (this); } } /** * EndOfSimulation: the class representing the final event that stops the * simulation. */ class EndOfSimulation extends Event { /** * Constructor. * @param time double */ public EndOfSimulation(double time) { super(time); } /** * makeItHappen: end of simulation event routine. */ public void makeItHappen() { Sim.stats.snapshot (); } }