======== Readings ======== .. toctree:: :hidden: ----------------------- Paper Review Guidelines ----------------------- Write a 400 word critical response and comments to **each** required paper. **Please use the provided review form**. Detailed comments should focus on the following: 1. What motivates the work or why the problem is worth solving? 2. What is the state-of-the-art or why we need a new solution? 3. What are the technical challenges or why the solution is not trivial? 4. What are the key insight or novelty of the proposed solution? 5. What are the limitations of the paper? Write the criticisms. 6. Any improvements or related ideas that you can suggest? Your most important task is to demonstrate that you’ve **read the paper** and **thought carefully** about the topic. No copy and paste of the original paper text! **Paper reviews are due before the class**. The review for each paper will be graded and returned back with a ``check-``, ``check``, or ``check+``. ------------ Reading List ------------ Most papers should be publicly accessible. If any links are broken, please search for them. If any of them require paid subscription, you can access them for free when connecting on campus. For off-campus access, try `UCR VPN `__. .. raw:: html :file: cal.html