CS 183: UNIX System Administration
Spring 2008

Lectures Lab Sections
Instructor: WeeSan Lee (weesan@cs.ucr.edu) TA: Glenn M. Bernstein (gbern@cs.ucr.edu)
  TA: Inci Cetindil (cetindil@cs.ucr.edu)
Time: MWF 5:10pm - 6:00pm Time: TW 2:10pm - 5:00pm
Location: WAT 2240 Location: EngrII 135
Office Hours: Thursday 4-6pm or by appointment Office Hours: TBA


Technical aspects of system administration on a Unix system including advanced Unix, managing system devices, operating system installation, communications, and networking.


All topics will be examined in the context of best available practices.


CS141: Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms. Students are also required to be able to program in a structured programming language such as C/C++ . Background in Unix will be helpful but is not an absolute prerequisite.


  1. Linux Administration Handbook (2nd edition) by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein.
    ISBN: 0131480049 (REQUIRED)
  2. Programming Perl (3rd edition) by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant.
    ISBN: 0596000278 (OPTIONAL)


Lecture Schedule

Week Topics Work Due (Fri)
1 Introduction, Linux Basic, Unix commands Lab 1
2 Account Management, Booting, Software Management Lab 2
3 Shell Script, Regular Expression Lab 3
4 File System, Control Processes Lab 4, Shell Scripting (Sun)
5 Basic Networking, Network Management Lab 5, Proposal (Mon)
6 Perl Programming, WWW, Web Cache Lab 6, Perl Programming
7 DNS, Email Lab 7
8 NFS, NIS Lab 8
9 Security, Backup, Summary Lab 9
10 Final Presentations Lab 10, Final Report


Late turn-ins are strongly discouraged. They impose extra work on the TAs and may cause delay in your grade posting. As a result, late assignments will be marked down 20% for the first day and additional 30% the following day.

Your grade will be based on the following percentages.

Assignments Percentages
Labs 40%
Programming Assignments 30%
Final Project 20%
Pop Quizzes & Attendance 10%

Labs: The emphasis of each lab will be on the installation and configuration of the OS or network services. You are required to write up a report in HTML format, tar and gzip it, and turn it in. Your lab grade will be based on the quality of your report which will be due on Friday of the same week 5 minutes before the midnight, ie. 11:55pm.

Programming Assignments: These consist of problems in scripting languages which are intended to provide experience with system administration tasks. The strength of scripting languages is in writing short scripts which accomplish large tasks in a very few lines of code, and the assignments reflect this.

There will be two programming assignments: one is shell script and another is Perl script. They will be due on Friday of the week listed.

Final Project: Final Project requires a deeper understanding of the course material than programming assignments and labs, and are intended to bring in elements of problem solving and design. They will typically take the full assigned amount of time to complete, with a fair amount of this time being spent in researching the project material, so it is important to start as early as possible on them.

You may team up with another classmate for the project, however, you will be expected double comparing to a 1-person team. Each team will need to submit a 1-page proposal for the Final Project at the beginning of the 5th week, and a 4-page final report at the end of the last class. Both proposal and report will be written in LaTex format, compiled and converted to PDF files. Additionally, several last lectures will be dedicated for in-class Final Project presentations. Each presentation will take about 8-10 minutes with about 6-8 slides. The grade will be based on the quality of your work, report and presentation.


Cheating will at minimum result in a failing grade on the assignment, with the potential to fail the class, and possibly further disciplinary action as determined by the campus student judicial authority. To avoid plagiarism, see http://library.ucr.edu/?view=help/plagiarism.html

Special Considerations

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