Lab 4: MS-Excel 2 (on page 589 - 643 of the lab manual)


This week lab includes two projects:
  1. Microsoft Excel

    You need to download this file e02A_Data.xls and save it in your account (H: drive) to use.

    You need to download this file e02B_Annual_Sales.xls and save it in your account (H: drive) to use.

    Please follow instructions on your lab manual. (page 589-643)


  2. HTML Assignment

How to download a file

  1. Right click on the link
  2. Select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link Target As..." from the pop-up menu.
  3. Double click "My Computer" icon on the left.
  4. It will display a list of places where you can save your file, you should see a line with your account name (that is H: drive). Double click on it to open. Click on "Save" button at the right bottom. Now your file is saved.
