Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (Winter 2004: CS260)
This is the bulletin board for the class, for class-related materials, discussions,
questions, comments, etc. (See Usage.)
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Please feel free to add relevant content (comments, references, explanations) as you see fit.
- /Students - pages for individual students
- /ProofsGroups - page for groups working on proofs and presentations of proofs
- Concepts, in order covered:
- Background: [Johnson], Chapter 1 of text, KleinAndYoung
- ChristofidesAlgorithm, SteinerTree, VertexCoverByMatching.?
- LinearProgram, IntegerLinearProgram, Relaxation, VertexCoverByRounding, LPExamples.
- LPDuality, VertexCoverByDuality.?
- BasicProbability, RandomizedRounding, MaxSATByRandomizedRounding
- ChernoffBound, load balancing example (section 4 of KleinAndYoung).
- SemidefiniteProgramming, MaxCutBySemidefiniteProgramming
- KnapsackByCoarsening
- SetCoverByGreedy, MulticommodityFlowByLagrangianRelaxation
- HardnessOfApproximation
- SelfTestingCorrecting
- WeakPCPTheorem
- Presentation schedule
- /WojciechJawor (Feb 17) - Facility location (primal dual schema)
- /SwastikKopparty (Feb 22) - Lovasz Theta Function, SDP
- /KinFaiKan - Feb 24
- /PriyaMandawat - Thursday, 26th Feb
- /ZhengLiu - Approximation algorithms for NMR spectral peak assignment, Thursday, Feb 26th
- /JieZheng? - Approximation of Minimum Common Partition, Mar. 2, Tue
- /VarunKohli - K-center problem, 2nd March
- /SerdarBozdag - March 4, Thu
- /ZhengFu - Mixed Postman problem, March 4th, Thu
- /QiFu - multiway cut, Mar. 9, Tue
- /QiaofengYang - Bipartite sandwiches: bounding the size of a maximum biclique, Mar. 9 Tue
- Suggested papers for student presentations (add your own, too):