HOMEWORK 1 (try to do these over the weekend). --- (0) Give the simplest example you can of a linear program with only integer coefficients (that is, all numbers appearing in the constraints or in the objective function are integers) that does not have an optimal integer solution. Recall that an integer solution is one in which the variables take on only integer values. --- (1) Why does the assignment Pi(u) := dist(s,u) give a feasible solution to the dual of the linear program for shortest paths (defined in lecture 2)? Why do this and general facts about linear programming duality imply that the original LP (linear program) always has an optimal integer solution? ----- background for remaining problems: Given a graph G=(V,E), recall that a "cut" (defined by any subset S of the vertices) is the set of EDGES with one endpoint in S and the other not in S. The MAX-CUT problem is to find a cut of maximum size (#edges). We mentioned in lecture 1 that this was NP-hard. The MIN-ST-CUT problem is, given G and two vertices s and t, to find a cut of minimum size among those separating s and t. (That is, s and t should be on opposite sides of the cut.) Consider the following two (not-quite linear) programs: (a) Maximize sum_{uv in E} |Pi_u - Pi_v| subject to 0 <= Pi_u <= 1 for u in V. (b) Minimize sum_{uv in E} |Pi_u - Pi_v| subject to 0 <= Pi_u <= 1 for u in V and Pi_s = 0 and Pi_t = 1. To make sure you understand the notation, the above sum is the sum, over all edges (u,v) in E, of the absolute value of Pi_u - Pi_v. (The underscore means the subsequent item should be a subscript of the preceding one.) These are not linear programs because the absolute-value function is not a linear function. --- 2) For each of these programs, show that for any feasible solution Pi, there is a feasible INTEGER solution Pi' that is as good (w.r.t. the cost). A hint is available. --- 3) Argue that (a) and (b) are equivalent to MAX-CUT and MIN-ST-CUT resp. --- 4) Describe a linear program equivalent to program (b). Why does this mean that MIN-ST-CUT is in P? Can you describe a similar equivalent to program (a)? -- *5) Can you come up with ANY linear program for MAX-CUT such that the optimum is at most 2 times the size of the max. cut?