Network Flow and  the Maximum Flow Problem

Notes by Michalis Faloutsos
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A flow network:  directed graph G(V,E) with positive capacities associated with its edges
            c(v,u) => 0, for all (v,u) in E,  and two special nodes source s in V and sink, t in V.
            We will assume that the source has only outgoing edges and the sink has only incoming edges.

A flow: Given a flow network,  a flow is a mapping of F: VxV -> Real+
            (each edge is assigned non-negative value) such that  0 <= F(u,v) <= c(u,v)
             (the flow of each edge is not greater than its capacity)
            Notation: if there is no flow or no edge between two nodes  u,v we can say F(u,v) =0.

A legitimate flow: A flow is legitimate, if the following things hold:
       1. Capacity rule:                     0 <= F(u,v) <= c(u,v)
       2.Conservation rule:           Sum_u  F(u, v)  = Sum_w  F(v, w) ,   for all v in V-{s, t}
            (i.e. in flow = out flow  except for source and sink or esle what goes in must come out)

      Value of  a flow:  We define the value  |F| of the flow F to be equal to the total flow
       leaving the source, which we can prove is equal to the total flow arriving at the sink.

        |F| = Sum_w F(s, w) = Sum_w F(w, s)

  Another approach:
 The flow we define above is often called the net flow and it is always positive.
  Some textbooks (like the Big White) use a generalized definition where flow f can be negative.
  This small f flow refers to the total exchange of flow between nodes and relates to the net flow
   as follows:
            f(u,v) = F(u,v) - F(v,u)          (Equation 1)
    Consider the case where I have:  u -> v  cap = 5 and net flow F(u,v) = 3
                                                      and:  v-> u   cap = 3  and net flow F(v,u) = 1
   The flow f(u,v) = 2      and the flow f(v,u) = -2
    In other words f(u,v) expresses what is the total amount of flow that is exchanged between nodes u and v.
   Using Equation 1, we can switch between the two definitions.

For the rest of our discussion, we will assume the net flow.

 The Maximum Flow:
  A question of interest is what is the maximum flow I can push from the source  sto
  the sink t.

 Residual Capacity.  Let us first look at the simpler problem of the maximum flow I can push between two
  nodes u, v assuming  that I already have some flow F going on.
 We will call this flow residual capacity for these two nodes.
  A. Assume that only the edge u -> v exists.
 The maximum flow I can push from u to v is:
            c_f(u,v) = c(u,v) - F(u,v)                      /// Additional flow I can push on directed edge u -> v

  B. Assume that only the edge u <- v exists.  How much flow can I push from u to v? I can stop receiving u flows,
  which is     equivalent to sending flow
  to u. Therefore:
              c_f(u, v) =  F(v, u)                                  /// Amount of flow I can stop receiving from v = sending flow to v

  C. Assume that  both the edges u->v, and  u<- v exist. Then the residual capacity is from u to v is :
          c_f(u,v) = c(u,v) - F(u,v) + F(v, u)                 (Equation 2)
          and equivalently for the residual capacity from v to u.

 Residual Network. Given a flow network G(V,E) and a flow F, we define the residual network G_f (V_f, E_f)
  to be:
       a. V_f = V (it has the same nodes as the initial network)
       b.  Edges of  (u,v) in E_f have capacity according to Equation 2:
               c_f(u,v) = c(u,v) - F(u,v) + F(v, u)  > 0
            Note that edges with zero capacity are  considered as non existing.

     Definition: Given a flow, an augmenting path is a directed path from s to t such that we can push more flow
      from s to t.
     This corresponds to a path from s to t in the residual graph (

      Definition: Given an augmenting path,  we define as capacity of the  augmenting path, F_p,
      the minimum residual capacity of any edge of the path (in the s to t direction of the path).

        Intuition: if we add a legitimate flow in the residual network to the existing flow, we get
        a new legitimate flow.
       Lemma (27.2 Big White)
        Given a network G and a flow F, if F' is a flow in the residual network G_f , then
        the union of the flows F and F' form a legitimate flow for network G.

        Intuition,   an augmenting path shows a legitimate flow in the residual network.
        Lemma (27.3 Big White)
         Given an augmenting path for a flow network G with flow F, the flow F_p (equal to the
         capacity of the augmenting path) is a legitimate flow.

      Minimum Cut and  Max Flow

        Assume a cut S, T of G(V,E) such that s in S and t in T. We will call this cut an st-cut.

        Definition: Capacity of cut (S,T)  is  C(S,T) = Sum_x Sum_y   c(x,y)

        Definition: We define F(S, T) = Sum_x   Sum_y   F(x, y)  - Sum_x Sum_y F(y,x)
         where x in S and y in T

        Properties of cuts. See Big White section 27.1, Lemma 27.1

         In a flow netowrk, assume sets X, Y,Z subsets of V.

         - F(X, X) = 0
         - F(X,Y) = - F(X,Y)
         - If X and Y do not have commone elements  X intersection Y = NULL,
             F(X u Y, Z)  = F(X, Z) + F(Y, Z),          where u is the union of two sets
          - F(Z, X u Y) = F(Z, X) + F(Z, Y)

          The proofs are straighforward use of the definition.

         Lemma - (Property 22.3 Red-green )
         In a flow network with flow F, the flow across each cut is equal  to the flow F.
          PROOF.  F(S,T) = F(S, V) - F(S,S)    =
                                          = F(S,V)    =
                                          = F(s, V)  + F( S- {s}, V) =
                                          = F(s, V)  =                                           // By definition
                                          = |F|

         Note:   F( S- {s}, V) = 0  Why?
         Hint: a set of nodes that does not contain the source
          can not be producing positive flow to the rest of the network.


         Lemma - (Corollary 27.6 BWHITE,
         In a flow network, the value of its flow is bounded above by the capacity of any cut of G.

          PROOF. For any cut (S,T),
          |F| = Sum_x Sum_y   F(x, y)  - Sum_x Sum_y F(y,x) <= Sum_x Sum_y   F(x, y) <=
          <= Sum_x Sum_y   c(x, y)

        Min-Cut Max-Flow Theorem.  The Maxmimum Flow of a flow network  G(V,E) and source s and sink t,
        is equal to minimum  capacity of  among all st-cuts.

        For proofs and more details consult the textbooks.

            Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

The algorithm calculates the max-flow of a directed graph G(V,E).
The abstract description (F-F algorithm) :

  1. Intialize flows to zero.
  2. While there is an augmenting path
  3.       do augment flow as much as legally possible

More detailed description on selecting paths.

     Approach 1: (not the Ford-Fulkerson but equivalent)
We can solve a max-flow problem executing the  abstract algorithm in the initial network G(V,E).
            An augmenting path is a path that consists of edges
a)   ...u -> v...  (along the direction we traverse the path)
                    and c(u,v) - f(u, v) > 0, and
                    the residual capacity  c_f(u,v)  =  c(u,v) - f(u, v)  is the amount
                    that we can increase the flow on that edge.

b)  ...u <- v .... (on the opposite from the direction we traverse the path)
                     and there is non zero flow F(v,u)  i.e. opposite to the direction we
                     traverse the edge.

Having found the path, I push the maximum flow I can, which is the minimum of all the residual flows I can find.

 Approach 2: (The Ford Fulkerson approach)

We can solve the max-flow problem using the residual graph G_f.
Intuitively, the idea of G_f,  is a graph that has only one number per edge to simplify
our searching for an augmenting path.

          Attention 1: in the residual graph, we allow only positive  net flows.

         Attention 2:  E_f  may have more edges than E!!!!!!

 Example:   consider edge :   u ----> v   with capacity 15 and zero flow initially.
 When I route flow say of 5 untis, my edge becomes:
                                        u----->v  5/15
In the residual graph, this corresponds to two edges with residual capacities:
                                        u -----> v    10 = 15 -5
                                        u <----- v     5 =  0- (-5)
0 is the capacity the edge  u<---v   in G, since in G it does not exist
-5 is the flow of the edge   u<---v  in G (recall the skew symmetry constraint)
Intuitvely,  u<---v with residual capacity 5, means that: now u sends 5 units to v, so if I stop sending them, it is as if I send 5 units from v to u and the two sets of units cancel each other.

In finding an augmenting path in G_f, I look for paths in G_f  with edges in the direction that I am traversing them i. I.e. I only have edges

s  --->  ...... ---> u -----> v ---> ....   ----> t
s  --->  ...... ---> v -----> u ---> ....   ----> t

The  Edmonds Karp Algorithm

Edmonds and Karp proposed a way to select among the multiple augmenting paths.
 This way, we can guarantee that the complexity of the algorithm is O(V E).

 * Initialize the network with zero flow
 * Repeat until you can't find an augmenting path
      -- Find a minimum-hop augmenting path
      -- Push the maximum flow on that path