Breadth First Search(BFS)

This is simpler way to present BFS, which we showed in class.
The Q is a First In First Out queue.
 Complexity: O(N^2) for an adjacency  matrix representation
                      O(N+E) for an adjacency list representation.
1. each nodes is visited exactly once if the graph is connected.
2. Each edges is "explored" twice, once from each node.
    ·       Initialize: Color all vertices white
        For all v Î V,
                               c[v]  = white                :color
                              parent[v] = none                  :parent
                               d[v]  = -100                 :distance
    ·       Source s:
                               c[s]  = grey
                              parent[s] = none
                               d[s] = 0
    ·       Add s to queue: Q
    ·       While Q is not empty
                  u = Get head of Q   (remove it from Q)
                  For all adjacent nodes,w, of u
                           If c[w] == white
                                     Color[w] = grey
                                            d[w] = d[u] + 1
                                           parent[w] = u
                                     add w to Q
                           End if
                  End for
               c[u] = black
        End while