Shortest Paths Algorithms

Definition. Given a weighted graph G(V,E) and two nodes u,v in V, the
shortest paths between nodes u, v is a path whose total weight is minimum
among all possible such paths.

We can denote a shorest between u and v as d(u,v).

Note that we may have two different paths be shortest paths.  Can you think of
an example?

Theorem.1 (WHITE Theorem. 25.1)
A subpath P(u,v)  of a shortest is a shortest path for u and v.

Proof. By contradiction.

Lemma.1 (WHITE Lemma. 25.3)
Given a weighted graph G(V,E) and a given node s, for all edges (u,v) in E,  the following
holds for the shortest paths:
d(s, v) <= d(s,u) + w(u,v)

Path Relaxation
This refers to the procedure of improving our current estimate of the weight of the
shortest path towards a particular node.
For a given source s, and and nodes u and v
Relax(s, v, u) {                                  // for (u,v) in E, else w(u,v) = + infinity
  if D(s,v) > D(s, u) + w(u,v)      // if I have a better path through from s to v through u
        D(s,v) = D(s,u) + w(u,v) ;

Note that D(u,v) here is my CURRENT best path from u to v.
We can build algorithms to find the shortest path by using the Path Relaxation.

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Solves the single source shortest path problem for graphs with no negative weights.
Note there are a lot of ways to implement Dijkstra. I present the one I showed in the
class, and the use of black-grey-white coloring. This coloring is not really necessary
but it helps at the visualization of the execution.

Dijkstra(G, s)

- Initialize:  for all v in V, D[v] = + infinit
                                                 color[v]  = white
                                                 parent[v] = NONE

- Initialize source: D[s] = 0
                                    add s to  queue Q     // this is a priority queue according to D[] value
                                    color[s] = grey

- While Q not empty  {
             v = get-minimum-element from Q    // remove it from Q
             for  all w, adjacent to v  {
                     if color[w] == white {
                             add w in Q
                             color[w] = grey
                     //    Path relaxation
                     if D(w) > D(v) + w(v,w)    {   // if I have a better path through from s to w through u
                            D(w) = D(v) + w(v,w) ;
                            parent[w] = v ;
                     } // if

            } // for
            color[v] = black;
    } // while

   Note that this is very similar with Prim's algorithm in structure. What is the difference?
   The way I calculate D[] changes.  Here D[v] is the minimum known distance

   Why does Dikjstra has problems with negative weights? Show an example.

  The complexity of Dijkstra: one upper bound is O(N^2).
  This is if I search every time my Q to find the minimum weight element.
   If I use more efficient priority queue then the complexity can be   O( (V+E) log V).

It solves the single source shortest path problem.
It can work with negative weights for a directed graph, but not negative cycles.


- Initialize: for all v in V, D[v] = + infinit
- Initialize source: D[s] = 0
- Repeat N-1 times
         for each edge (u,v) {
                    //    Path relaxation
                     if D(v) > D(u) + w(u,v)    {   // if I have a better path through from s to w through u
                            D(v) = D(u) + w(u,v) ;
                            parent[v] = u ;
                     } // if


The complexity of Bellman Ford is bounded above by O(N^3).
Explanation:  We repeat O(N) and each repetition we visit all the edges O(E).
So a more precise upper bound is O(N E).
If the edge representation is by adjacency matrix, then passing through each edge
takes O(N^2), which gives the O(N^3) bound.