Chancellor of ECNU and I at commencement on June 23, 2010

                Li TAN



Chancellor of ECNU and I at commencement on June 23, 2010

My primary research interests are in the areas of formal verification, specifically in program and software systems verification by applying formal methods to software engineering, like model checking, situation calculus, OCL, etc.

I am an M.S. student working with Prof. Zongyuan Yang. Prior to being a master student, I received my B.S. Degree with distinction in Computer Science from East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. At present, I endeavor to achieve my M.S Degree supposed to be finished in two and a half years only in two years before further Ph.D. career.

I have already graduated from ECNU and I really enjoy the 6 years of being an ECNUer and the life in Shanghai. Thank you, all friends! Here is my new homepage.




Research Assistant in the Software Engineering Laboratory (Sep. 2008 - present)

Released Tools

Industrial Experience


Teaching Assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, ECNU

Last modified: Aug. 3, 2010