Lab 10: File Systems
Mar. 14/15, 2007
[153 Home]      [Grading Rules]      [Important Notes]

Grading Rules

Function Points Example
Load the floppy disk image 10 load floppy.img
List the directory contents 30 ls
Change the current directory 30 cd dir1, cd ..
Delete a file 20 rm file1.txt
Design Description 10 How to setup and operate your filesystem
Total 100  

Important Notes
  1. Your program should handle all directory and file names case-insensitively, i.e., when I type the directory name or file name, your program should be able to handle it no matter it's in upper-case or lower-case.
  2. Your program should report an error on the following conditions and only these conditions: (1) cd to a file or non-existing directory, i.e., "cd file1.txt", "cd baddir"; (2) remove a non-existing file, i.e., "rm bad.txt"; (3) load a non-existing disk image, i.e., "load bad.img".
  3. The floppy image for testing may not be the same as the one posted on the website. I'll probably change the directory or filenames, but none of them will be more than 8 characters long.
  4. My ls command will not take any parameters, simply an "ls".
  5. Remove a directory is not required.
  6. If a file doesn't have an extension, for example, rootfile, then when I do an "ls", there shouldn't be a dot at the end, i.e., the correct output should be "rootfile" instead of "rootfile.".