CS153: Design of Operating Systems
Winter 2007
[Home]     [General Information]     [Lab Schedule]     [Grading Rules]     [Turn-in Instructions]

General Information
Course Webpage:
Professor Vana Kalogeraki (vana@cs.ucr.edu)
http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~vana/cs153 (unavailable now)
Lab Sections:
Office Hours:
Lan Gao (lgao@cs.ucr.edu)
WR 11:10 am - 2:00 pm, EBUII 129
WR 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm, EBUII 110

Lab Schedule
Lab Manual:
Kernel Projects for Linux by Gary Nutt
Work in group of 2
 Lab1 (Jan. 10/11)  Process Control: fork, exec, and wait  In-lab exercises only!
 Lab2 (Jan. 17/18)  Project 1: Shell Program  Due: 01/28/2007
 Lab3 (Jan. 24/25)  Project 1: Q & A
 Lab4 (Jan. 31/Feb. 1)  Linux Process Scheduling  A brief introduction!
 Lab5 (Feb. 7/8)  Project 2: The Scheduler  Due: 02/25/2007
 Lab6 (Feb. 14/15)  Project 2: How to test?
 Lab7 (Feb. 21/22)  Project 2: Q & A
 Lab8 (Feb. 28/Mar. 1)  Project 3: File Systems  Due: 03/16/2007
 Lab9 (Mar. 7/8)  Project 3: File Systems
 Lab10 (Mar. 14/15)  Project 3: Q & A

Grading Rules
The projects are graded as follows:
  • Total points for each assignment: 100 points.
  • Extra credit if advanced features are implemented: 15 points.

Turn-in Instructions
Please use Moodle to turn in your project files.
  1. Upload only a single file, for example, use "tar czvf project1.tar.gz ~/project1" to create a gzipped tar package. But please compress the whole directory (i.e., files and the directory itself), so that when I decompress it, I don't need to create a directory manually.
  2. Make sure you saved the old version in your own computer before you upload a new version, because old copies will be overwritten in the turn-in system.
  3. Each package should consist of: a README file (including the design description, your name and your partner's name); a Makefile, and the source file(s).
  4. Late turn-ins are subject to a penalty of 15% for each day late.
  5. To save my time of grading, please use tar, zip, or gzip to compress your files instead of winrar. Also please save your README as a simple text file instead of a WORD document.