CS008 - Introduction to Computing

Instructor: Toby Gustafson

TA: Van Le-Pham


You are welcome to email me when you have any question

Lab sections

Office hours

Lab Policy

    To keep the consistency in all the labs, we need to follow the following policies:
  1. Total lab points are 20 (grading in lab) including 15 points for lab assignment and 5 points for attendance
  2. To get 5 points of attendance, you should come to lab before 8:30AM (for lab section 025), 11:30AM (for lab session 046), and 2:30PM (for lab section 059)
  3. Every lab has a deadline for grade's correction. You can check the deadline for each lab by cicking on this link and choose "Labs". You can see next to each lab is its deadline
    Before the deadline, make sure you check your grade and email me if there is any problem. If you tell me after the deadline, there is nothing I can do to change the grade
    To check your grade go to this link and choose "Grade Inquiry"
  4. If you inform me IN ADVANCE that you cannot come to lab, you can make up the lab with 5 points of attendance
  5. No late lab assigments will be accepted without doctor's note or other evidence of a serious situation which prevents you from showing up in the lab. In this case if you show me the evidence, you can make up lab but without 5 points of attendence
  6. Make up lab have to be done before the lab's grade correction deadline
  7. Lab assignments have to be done in lab. Lab assignment sending via email is not accepted
