Understanding Skype According to Kurose and Ross, Skype is P2P. According the IMC 2012 paper you read this week, Skype is P2P for 2-way conferences, and server-based for larger conferences. Which one is true? 1. Download and install Skype and Wireshark. 2. Skype with a partner(s) and try to determine how the Skype infrastructure looks today. Look at the Wireshark traces on all the clients. -What is the architecture? Does it use Azure? -Does voice differ from video? -Does the size of the video conference matter? -What protocols are being used? -Where are the servers? How many servers are used? -Does the video rate change based on the available bandwidth? Use the bandwidth shaping tool from last week to see the effect. -Can you understand the video overlay? (Skype -> Window -> Technical call info) Useful commands: Wireshark filter: “ip.addr==xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” Wireshark -> Statistics -> Conversations -> Sort by bytes to find important flows Wireshark -> Statistics -> IO graph to see input/output on the wire maxmind.com to look up IP address ownership and location “traceroute xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” to see the intermediate routers