DASH video player Goal: Experiment with MPEG-DASH video players. Vary the bandwidth to see the effect on the video rate and other metrics. 1. Throttle incoming traffic bandwidth using the netspeed.sh script. You'll need to modify the interfaces in the script (use "ifconfig" command to find the name of your Internet-connected interface). Test if it’s working by using downloading a file (e.g., "wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso"). 2. Open video players and enable the graphs. Vary the bandwidth to see the effect on video rates and other quality-of-experience metrics. http://dashif.org/reference/players/javascript/v2.4.0/samples/dash-if-reference-player/index.html http://players.akamai.com/hds/ You might need to clear the browser cache between videos to see the effect of the throttling (if the estimated bandwidth is always very high). - How do Quality-of-Experience metrics change for different bandwidths? - What does the manifest file look like? - Class activity: what happens if we all start the video at the same time, will we see any bottleneck? - Bonus: Can you modify the netspeed.sh script to increase the latency?