CS 8 Fall 2010 - Extra Credit Lab


In this lab, you will create a web page using some slightly more advanced tags than you used in lab 10. Once again, your HTML page should be created by hand (as opposed to using a web authoring program).

You will not publish the web page you create to the web, but will view it on your computer using a web browser.

Note that unlike lab 10, this lab will tell you what HTML tags you need to use, but not how to use them. Do a Google search or look at the page source of other pages to find examples of how to use the tags.

Getting Started

Note that the following instructions show you how to create an empty web page, which you will then fill in details for. If you want to use your lab10 web page as a starting point instead, that is fine; just copy lab10.html to labEC.html and change the title.

Click on the Windows start button -> all programs ->Notepad++.
From the menu in Notepad++ click language -> HTML.
Copy the following directly into Notepad++:

<title>My Home Page</title>

Click File -> Save as, give it the name labEC.html, and save it to the desktop.
Double click on labEC.html on the desktop to see the local version of your web page in a web browser.

Web Page Details

You are going to create a "home" page for yourself. This home page should have some information about yourself, your list of classes, some of your favorite things, etc.


Your web page should contain a small paragraph stating who you are, etc.

Your web page should contain your class schedule. Use a table for this. The HTML tags you will need for this are <table>, <tr>, and <td>. Each line of the table should have the class name, the days and times it meets, and the instructor's name. Make sure the first line of the table has headings.

Your web page should also contain a couple of lists of your favorite things. There are two types of lists in HTML: ordered and unordered. Your page needs to include one of each type. Ordered lists use the <ol> and <li> tags while unordered lists use the <ul> and <li> tags.

Your web page should also contain a video clip. Note this does not mean you need to actually upload a clip. Like images, you simply need to find a video clip elsewhere on the web and place a tag in your page that references the URL for that clip. Because there are different ways to include video on a web page, no specific tag is required. Instead, find a video clip on the web, look at the page source to see how it is being included on the page, and copy the appropriate HTML to your page.

Your web page should contain an e-mail link. An e-mail link is similar to a normal hyperlink, except that when a user clicks on it, it causes his/her e-mail program to open up so a message can be sent to the e-mail address.

Feel free to add anything else to your web page to personalize it or make it more interesting, but the above are the minimum requirements.

Getting Credit

As noted above, you need to create the web page by hand. You cannot use a web authoring program.

You must complete the web page and show it to your TA during the last lab when you do your lab10.

This lab is worth an additional 10 points. Labs normally count for 20 points, but this is a fairly short one, hence the fewer number of points. The points for this lab will be added with your other lab scores. There are 9 regular labs (week 1 had no lab) worth 20 points each for a total of 180 points, but with this lab, you can get up to 190 total lab points.