CS 153: Winter 2013

TA: Curtis Yu (cyu [at] cs [dot] ucr [dot] edu)

Lab: M 2:10 - 5 P.M. @ WCH 135
Office Hour: W 2 - 3 P.M. @ WCH 110

TA: Zhe Wu (zwu005 [at] cs [dot] ucr [dot] edu)

Lab: M 6:10 - 9 P.M. @ WCH 135
Office Hour: W 3 - 4 P.M. @ WCH 110


***Jan. 7, 2013*** MIPS Cross-compilers available here


Oracle provides a very nice set of Java tutorials to get you started. (a Hello World! example)

Java API documentation

Eclipse Debugging Tutorial

Nachos Javadoc (VERY USEFUL!)

Nachos 5.0j is a Java application written to perform the functions of a real operating system. This is also the system we will be using for our projects this quarter

MIPS Cross Compilers are available for use on personal machines (not supported)


Lab 0

A significant element of this class are programming projects using the (Java version of the) Nachos instructional operating system. Although Java may seem an odd choice, both the (outdated) C version of Nachos and the Java version focus on OS concepts; they are rather equivalent at a high-level.

We have prepared a modified version of Nachos (Updated 2/28/2013) for this course. (use: tar xvfz nachos-153.tgz to extract)

Project presubmission script.
