Memory Mapped I/O


In tutorial 2 you interfaced the 8031 to the FPGA through 4 IO pins on port number 1. However, this approach will not scale up since the 8031 has limited IO pins and most of these are used for external memory access. In this lab, you will interface the 8031 to the FPGA by using memory-mapped IO. The external memory available to the 8031 is 32KB, but the address space of the 8031 is 64KB, hence, you can create as many as 32KB of unique virtual IO ports!


You will be designing a simple peripheral device that will be implemented on the FPGA. This device will have two (real or imaginary) 8-bit register and will perform these tasks:

  1. Continuously monitor the external memory bus of the 8031 for register 1's address followed by a write signal and read the data from the data bus into register 1.
  2. Continuously monitor the external memory bus of the 8031 for register 2's address followed by a read signal and put register 2's content on the data bus.
  3. Compute register2 = register1 + the 4-bit value from PC (tutorial 3).
You will be writing the software for the 8031 to perform these tasks:
  1. Write to register1 the value "00010011".
  2. Read and store the content of register2.
  3. Send the upper 4-bits of stored value to the 7-seg LED (tutorial 2).
  4. Wait a little.
  5. Send the lower 4-bits of stored value to the 7-seg LED.
  6. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Demo Output

To fully test your design, you should inject 16 different test vectors and check for correct output on the 7-seg LED, here is what you should expect: